Jumat, 17 September 2010

For Reader

Bagi kalian yang baca.... Gue minta doa soal penyakit kepala gue yang (bisa dibilang) aneh. Semoga itu cuma penyakit biasa dan bukan penyakit yang serius. Dan buat dengkul kanan dan kiri gue, Semoga jarak antara tulangnya ga nambah lagi. Amin.... God Bless You Guys :)

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Video Clip

Kamis, 01 April 2010

Killing Me Inside - Tormented

For the last time
You waste my tears now
No more torment
But don't just say

You've gone away

You tell a fuck'in tale
Swallow me and spit me up
How do i get through this
Just stand it anymore

Can you see me
Smilling when i sing this song
Right now
I just want to be alive

You know i was dying when you told me
I'm not yours anymore
You know i was dying when you told me
You just playing and fooling aound with me

When the time she comes and wakes me
(she comes and wakes me)
And when she bit my lips and kiss me there
And when she hold my hand
And leaves my life's tonight
When she said that's she really loves me

Were worst fucking day

I'm dying bleeding of my past
I'm dying bleeding of my past
Now slit my throat and let me bleed
Now slit my throat and let me bleed

Can you see me
Smilling when i sing this song
Right now
I just want to be alive

You know i was dying when you told me
I'm not yours anymore
You know i was dying when you told me
You just playing and fooling aound with me

When the time she comes and wakes me
(she comes and wakes me)
And when she bit my lips and kiss me there
And when she hold my hand
And leaves my life's tonight
When she said that's she really loves me

But suddenly
You come to me
And begged me
To be your's again
Right now
Tou're holding my hand
But sorry baby
But all i can say is
NO!!! HELL NO!!!

Can you see
The time grows older
She blew my dreams away
It's all done
And now it's over
I don't know how to say
To you

Can you see
The time grows older
She blew my dreams away
It's all done
And now it's over
I don't know how to say

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

FW: Amnesia

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Amnesia
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2010 2:53:28
From: Nadhif Yonda <nadhifyonda@yahoo.com>
To: <Raditya.nadhif.platipus@blogger.com>

Gila... Gue bener-bener gila... Gue kemarin nanya ke temen gue Archa... Gue tanya "bsk kmpl dmn?... Jm braph"... Berhubung gue pengen nonton hari kamis... Dia bilang... "kn nntnnya kamis"... Gue tanya lagi... "emg skarank hri aph?..." kta dia "hari slasa dodol... Ieu teh lier!!!..."... Bener-bener dodol gue... Adah... Udah bgitu gue jawab jha "ooiiaa... Sori... Hehe..."... Parahnya lagi pas malem-malem dan dia udah tidur... Hehe... Gue cuma bisa ucapin sorry ke lo cha... Hehe...

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


Satu kata yang dapat gue katakan ke lo... Goodbye... Mungkin hanya itu yang dapat gue katakan sekarang... Gue ga tau harus berbuat apa sekarang... Mungkin gue harus belajar untuk susah mencintai orang lain... Jadi gue ga akan dengan mudah mencintai seseorang... Kesalahan terbesar selama ini mungkin ketika gue suka sama dia kali yak??? Tpi entah kenapa dia nge remove gue dari temen facebooknya... Gue sms ga pernah di bales... mungkin gara-gara dia ilfil ngeliat muka gue yang ke gantengan???


hehe... :p...

by the way, wc di rumah gue udah kagak mampet... Jdi gue bisa ke wc dengan leluasa... Haha... Merdeka!!! ROCK ON!!!

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Buat Tugas Biologi. Hm... Ribeeeeeeeeeetttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!

Fiuh... Tugas Biologi... Kenapa ada biologi seh!!!!! Yeah... Bagus... Pinter... Jago... Udah buat presenasinya susah, nyari gambarnya juga susah lagi... Aduhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............ Ada ga sih yang bisa ngegantiin posisi gue saat ini??? huuuuu :(

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009

Posting... Kenapa???

Sesuai dengan judulnya: kenapa... Gue juga gak tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini gue malesss..... banget buat buka blog... Gak tau kenapa??? lo tau gak???


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